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so hapeeely married! =)

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Rocking My World for 9 years

Blame it on Rockstar:INXS. =)

Ever since we got addicted to the show, the rocker in him (Jon) resurfaced (he was part of a band many years ago) and for weeks, he had been hinting about wanting to get a new bass guitar for himself. Unfortunately (or fortunately for me), everytime we would go around the mall and pass by some music stores, he couldn't really see a good one or couldn't really decide what to get. In those weeks, i would often look disinterested but the truth was, i was making a note of those things that he would mention (brands and what-have-yous) or would look at the internet links he has visited for research. You see, I don't know much about these things although i do love to sing. :D

In my own research, i came across this forum for musicians and music aficionados and asked for their help. Follow the thread here. (Don't forget page 2! *wink*)

Another person who played a very important role in this surprise was Aion, a former bandmate and friend. Anyway, here's the story...

After getting some tips from the experts (and getting busted by Jon himself... well, ALMOST anyway... at least, i had the mind to save myself... hihihi!), I scoured for the right bass guitar for days and finally found THE ONE at Perfect Pitch Makati. I had it delivered days before our actual anniversary at Aion's place for safekeeping.

We flew to Singapore the morning of December 8 (Singapore anniv celeb kwento to follow) and left instructions for Aion (thanks again, dude!), together with the keys to our house and room (major acting needed here when Jon noticed that our keys were missing :D ) and the ribbon for the guitar.

When we arrived days after, I let Jon get in our room first, and saw him do a double-take at our bed, saw the shock register on his face, and finally, his eyes lit up and said, WOW!!! That's more than enough thank-you for me. =)


my hunny with his new Yamaha BB415.

Jonskie, YoU RoCK MY WoRLD!!!

YOU ROCK MY WORLD, hun! Happy Anniversary(1st and 9th)!

Looking forward to making good music with you for the rest of our lives... =)


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