Tweeh Things and a Wedding
i've been tagged by Jera.
three things i HAVE to do:
1. get at least one item crossed out on our Christmas list... :D
2. research and make an itinerary ;)
3. diet!
three things i WANT to do:
1. shop
2. travel
3. shop some more
three things i read in the newspaper lately that put a smile on my face:
1. "arrovo" :p
2. uhmmm...
3. 'la na.
three things i'm crazy about right now:
1. spa
2. iPod video
3. Jonskie. =)
three things i wanted to but wasn't able to blog about:
1. my wedding and honeymoon stories
2. ..
3. ..
three things i'm really looking forward to:
1. transfer of my boss to another department... hehe.
2. Holidays --- gifts, parties, reunions and get-togethers, vacation!
3. our first wedding anniversary!!!
...owkaaaay, that being done, I just have to blog about yesterday's wedding. I mentioned in the previous post that this is the first wedding i'm attending since forever. And yes, that's quite an exaggeration, of course. :D But really, i was so excited that i even bought a new dress, (found a nice shawl that will complement the dress 2 days before - not only that, i needed it for cover-up...hehehe), scheduled a leave and made an appointment at the parlor the night before... *kikay laugh*
three things i HAVE to do:
1. get at least one item crossed out on our Christmas list... :D
2. research and make an itinerary ;)
3. diet!
three things i WANT to do:
1. shop
2. travel
3. shop some more
three things i read in the newspaper lately that put a smile on my face:
1. "arrovo" :p
2. uhmmm...
3. 'la na.
three things i'm crazy about right now:
1. spa
2. iPod video
3. Jonskie. =)
three things i wanted to but wasn't able to blog about:
1. my wedding and honeymoon stories
2. ..
3. ..
three things i'm really looking forward to:
1. transfer of my boss to another department... hehe.
2. Holidays --- gifts, parties, reunions and get-togethers, vacation!
3. our first wedding anniversary!!!
...owkaaaay, that being done, I just have to blog about yesterday's wedding. I mentioned in the previous post that this is the first wedding i'm attending since forever. And yes, that's quite an exaggeration, of course. :D But really, i was so excited that i even bought a new dress, (found a nice shawl that will complement the dress 2 days before - not only that, i needed it for cover-up...hehehe), scheduled a leave and made an appointment at the parlor the night before... *kikay laugh*
*vanity* :P
Jon and I made it to Fernwood Garden 1 at exactly 5:00p.m. Proceeding to the chapel, the first thing we saw was the bridal car. At first, i thought that the wedding had started already but as we neared the Benz, Jon saw the bride still inside. Whew! I was also a little surprised when she opened her car window and greeted us. I probably should explain at this point that she is Jon's high school classmate and we, well, we've never met before... although i've seen her profile in Friendster. Even before, I knew she was pretty (she looks like Rachel Leigh Cook), but when i saw her yesterday, she was such a vision!!! Hay. =) Anyway, she said that she browsed our wedding pics and mentioned that she made gaya some things from our wedding. I was so flattered, of course.
Anyway, the wedding took place at the chapel of St. Francis. And as expected, I had my crying moments... especially when it was time for the bride to walk down the aisle and when the couple read their own vows (i could vividly remember my own "walk", and the vows we made for each other)... hay ulit.
Reception followed and we marveled at the beautifully decorated and romantic garden setting. The program was short but sweet, nevertheless. It was a nice wedding and I'm truly glad we came. =) Looking forward to the next wedding... (Ey's wedding on dec 29 at Tagaytay City -which i'm currently co-planning). 'Cited ulit!
More wedding pics here.
And now, i'm off to the first Christmas party for the year... the WaW Christmas Party ! =) Happy long weekend, all! =)
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