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Location: Las Piñas City, Philippines

so hapeeely married! =)

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

A Wish Granted

To Jeff... this one's for u! belated! :)

me and aion with jeff (on the phone... hehehe)

after making kulit countless times, asking him what he wanted for his birthday, he finally told me what he wanted... and i'm posting these proofs... (he's overseas) =) read on....

Saturday morning (amidst the grumbling of my stomach), Jon n I braved the Saturday early morning traffic and went to the Redemptorist Church in Baclaran to fulfill a birthday boy's wish...

It has been years since i stepped inside this church and i noticed a lot of changes here and there. Most significantly were the two tv sets placed at the rear end. Stepping inside, the mood was solemn, but instantly, one can feel the "heaviness" in the air. It was a lot more different than in any other churches, but it was quite understandably so, since that church is where a whole lot of people offer their worries, their heartaches and ask God (thru the intercession of Our Lady of Perpetual Help) their heart's desire...

Jon chose a spot close to the altar and there, we thanked God for the great opportunity presented to us thru a selfless wish and prayed fervently.

After praying, we went straight to where the candle stands were, got some candles, and offered Jeff's wish... thus completing our mission for the day... =)

Keep the faith, jeff! Everything will be alright... *wink*


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