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Location: Las Piñas City, Philippines

so hapeeely married! =)

Friday, July 22, 2005

Better Luck Next Year...

The DFAPA Volleyball tourney had just ended and i'm sad to report that unlike the previous years, we placed last among the teams. :(

Oh, i could put the blame on many things... i could point my finger at my teammates (notice i didn't include myself? ...hehehe) for not giving their 101 percent during the games; i could blame some of my other teammates who are either on scholarship abroad, or busy with their families, or enrolled in other language courses (conflict in schedule) - and because of these we only had 1 or two reserves every game (it was so damn tiring!!!); and many other trivial excuses - we had no coach, lack of practices and the like...

this was us last year... team "ube"

this is us now.... team "PONKEN" =)

...the bottom line? the team was not good enough this year and we are nothing but... big, fat, LOSERS.

oh well.., at least we had fun... (yeah, right! :))

the team at play...

light moments before a game... o, peechur muna!!!

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Some of the FSI people who watched the games, contributed energy drinks and meryendas, made pom-poms and banners, composed exceptional cheers (and chants?), took our pics and gave their never-ending support to the team... many thanks guys!!! kung may best cheerers, i'm sure you're the champs!!! :D

special thanks goes out to my ever supportive husband, who never missed a single game and cheered all of us on - (he claims to be stressed and jittery whenever there is a game - but still, he showed up every time) thanks hun! i love you!!! =)


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