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Location: Las Piñas City, Philippines

so hapeeely married! =)

Thursday, July 07, 2005

"IT" again...

...we got tagged by Dionne...

Things you enjoy, even when no one around you wants to go out and play?

My list:
2. plopped on my bed, reading a book or a magazine
3. listening to my mp3 collection and singing at the top of my lungs
4. playing and bonding with my doggies
5. viewing old and recent photos... reminiscing!

Jon's list:
1. playing PC games (when Yax is not blogging) or PS2 games
2. internet surfing
3. watching television in the bedroom
4. playing the guitar
5. downloading and watching "stuff" too... hehehe

What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level?

My list:
1. shopping!
2. a relaxing massage (either at the spa or from my hubby)
3. watching DVD with Jon, complete with popcorn and chips
4. playing badminton with friends (not in competition though, kakastress yun eh! :D )
5. going out and having fun with friends =)

Jon's list:
1. a massage by my hun
2. a nice dinner and movie date with my hun
3. DVD marathon nights
4. badminton
5. playing the guitar and hearing my wife sing

We're now tagging: AION, MACY, MAY, LEN and YANYAN.


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